Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What is Project Based Learning?

"In Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through an extended process of inquiry in response to a complex question, problem, or challenge. Rigorous projects help students learn key academic content and practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking)." (


the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness

Project Based learning begins with a driving question. The driving question(s) is student generated allowing them to choose a topic of their choice, something that is of great interest to them. Driving questions need to spark interest and propel students through the project. (

 ..."The question should prompt students to go beyond the acquisition of facts into application and analysis. And it should be open-ended enough that it has no single answer so that the process of getting to an answer is more important than the answer itself... ( How to Put the Rigor in Project-Based Learning.  Tips from a one-time skeptic turned teacher-leader.  by Grace Rubenstein)


to convey knowledge of or information about : make known

Through project based learning students learn to refine and enhance their communication. Students need to communicate effectively with their peers in order to work together successfully. Their end project also needs to communicate the learning that took place. 

"What you know is demonstrated by what you do, and what you do must be open to public scrutiny and critique." (


the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc 

PBL requires students to demonstrate their creativity and develop ways of using their multiply intelligences. This allows them to highlight their personal strengths and be successful.

"...this inquiry should lead students to construct something new- an idea, an interpretation, a new way of displaying what they have learned." (


Critical Thinking

 the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion

Project based learning develops students critical thinking skills. The real-world situation empowers them to apply their knowledge at a higher level. PBL allows them to dive deeper into the content reaching levels not normally attained in classroom instruction. Using the guided question the students become the experts and through their presentation they become the teachers.

"Students need to do much more than remember information- they need to use higher-order thinking skills. They also have to learn to work as a team and contribute to a group effort. They must listen to others and make their own ideas clear when speaking, be able to read a variety of material, write or otherwise express themselves in various modes, and make effective presentations. These skills competencies and habits of mind are often know as "21st Century Skills". (


to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor 

Collaboration occurs naturally within project based learning. Students must learn to work together, resolve disputes, share information/ideas, listen and value the opinions and perspectives of others to reach a common goal. (which is the driving question)

"Collaborative work among the students in the group at this time can be the most rewarding and productive part of their learning as the students work together helping each other to gain an understanding of what they are learning and its application to the problem. It is this collaboration that allows the students to develop the security and authority they need to be responsible for their own learning. Collaboration is an essential skill the students must have in their careers as they will be invariably working as members of teams." (

Cross-Curricular Connections

denoting or relating to an approach to a topic that includes contributions from several different disciplines and viewpoints

PBL allows for a greater understanding of the relationship between contents. It takes isolated skills and combines them for a well-rounded knowledge base that incorporates all relevant disciplines.

"Problem-based learning should not occur within a single discipline or subject. Information should be integrated from all the disciplines that are core to the schools educational program and relevant to the problems presented... students should be able to access, study and integrate information from all the disciplines that might be related to understanding and resolving the particular problem they are working with-- just as people in the real world must recall and apply information integrated from diverse sources in their work. This allows the problem to be the organizing focus for student learning better ensuring the recall and application of that information from various relevant fields in their subsequent work with problems in their life and careers " (