Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Critical Thinking

 the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information to reach an answer or conclusion

Project based learning develops students critical thinking skills. The real-world situation empowers them to apply their knowledge at a higher level. PBL allows them to dive deeper into the content reaching levels not normally attained in classroom instruction. Using the guided question the students become the experts and through their presentation they become the teachers.

"Students need to do much more than remember information- they need to use higher-order thinking skills. They also have to learn to work as a team and contribute to a group effort. They must listen to others and make their own ideas clear when speaking, be able to read a variety of material, write or otherwise express themselves in various modes, and make effective presentations. These skills competencies and habits of mind are often know as "21st Century Skills". (

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