Tuesday, June 14, 2011


the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness

Project Based learning begins with a driving question. The driving question(s) is student generated allowing them to choose a topic of their choice, something that is of great interest to them. Driving questions need to spark interest and propel students through the project. (

 ..."The question should prompt students to go beyond the acquisition of facts into application and analysis. And it should be open-ended enough that it has no single answer so that the process of getting to an answer is more important than the answer itself... ( How to Put the Rigor in Project-Based Learning.  Tips from a one-time skeptic turned teacher-leader.  by Grace Rubenstein)

1 comment:

  1. I use curiosity in the classroom when I ask a question that just pops in my head while the teacher is presenting. It is a question that is related to the topic but an area that I'm interested in and want to find the answer to.
